Help me Decide on a Farm Name!


8 Years
Aug 8, 2011
Shediac Cape NB, Canada
My Coop
My Coop
Oh we have been going over this so many times at home.. We want something with "Dixie" in the name - to commemorate the chicken that got us hooked (RIP dear Dixie).

But we are open to suggestions. If we can't find something suitable with Dixie in it - we plan to create a broody coop/run that is called Dixie's Chicks.

We free range, have about an acre 1/2 - 2 acres. Not 100% sure on size.

We have ducks, chickens, geese - but plan to get a couple goats.

Thanks for your help! We need to make labels for our eggs, and sales are all in the marketing right? :)
It's so tough to come up with names. My best advice is to stop thinking about it and the perfect name will pop into your head when you're thinking about something completely different. The only name that comes to me at the moment is Whistlin' Dixie Farm. Good luck!
It's so tough to come up with names.  My best advice is to stop thinking about it and the perfect name will pop into your head when you're thinking about something completely different.  The only name that comes to me at the moment is Whistlin' Dixie Farm.  Good luck!

Thanks! :) Yes.. It's so hard..

Thanks for your encouragement though :)
Coming up with a meaningful name is a challenge, and it is very personal, too. Something might come to you when you least expect it. But if you want to play around with brainstorming you could go to a thesaurus web site and explore words that could go with Dixie and express what you want.

When I look at your blog words like bountiful, flocks, green and joy come to mind. Your Dixie certainly inspired a wonderful farm.
Coming up with a meaningful name is a challenge, and it is very personal, too.  Something might come to you when you least expect it.  But if you want to play around with brainstorming you could go to a thesaurus web site and explore words that could go with Dixie and express what you want.

When I look at your blog words like bountiful, flocks, green and joy come to mind.    Your Dixie certainly inspired a wonderful farm.
That really means a lot, thank you. She still holds a very important place in my heart. She was very inspirational.

If nothing can fit with the name Dixie in it, she will have a whole coop named after her.
Heart of Dixie Farm just popped into my goofy little mind. Although living in Canada might not be considered south.

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