Help me decide the breed of my next batch of chicks

If I could go back I would have gotten all red-stars (red sex link). They are laying machines and are pretty sweet chickens too.
Enola, I was curious and looked them up, and I am now enchanted by Cream Legbars! They seem to have everything I want. And what's not to love about that "big hair" do on the girls? It's great to hear they can be people friendly.

And yes, I did see mention of a rich price tag.
Breeders? Here in the back of beyond? If I want anything more exotic than what one hatchery between New Mexico and Colorado has in their pathetic inventory, I have to look at mail order.

My Pet Chicken has Legbars, and yes, at almost $50 a pop, I plan on getting me a couple. Actually, they won't sell more than two to a customer, so they saved my wallet from empty nest syndrome. I think I'll fill out the order with four Silver Cuckoo Marans at $4.50 each. They require a minimum of six total to survive the shipment to Colorado.

I am excited! Thanks for helping me with this decision!
I didn't know Barred Rocks were easy to sex. I'll keep them in mind. Actually, Silver Cuckoo Marans remind me of Barred Rocks. Very pretty breeds, both. I love the feather patterns.

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