Help me identify please...


7 Years
Dec 1, 2016
This sweet bird is 10 weeks old. The place we got it from advertised it as a Barnevelder sexed hen. I don't think that that is the breed based upon its crest. It looks more like a polish variety to me. Pretty sure it is a hen, but wanted help in identifying breed and gender.



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Thank you! can I know for sure if it is a cockerel or are you pretty positive. I can't have a rooster where I live. :(
I have never even seen a brabanter in person but the pointy hackle feathers and that green tail feather scream roo to me
thank you..its only 10 weeks...should I keep it for a bit longer to know for sure? when would it start crowing? Isn't there something about the comb I should look for as well? thank you again,
For me it is the shape of the crest and what certainly looks like pointed hackle feathers.

At just 10 weeks it is early but it certainly looks male to me.

It should start crowing before long. Post pics in 2 weeks as things change rapidly with young birds.

Side pics showing the saddle feathers clearly help too.
:hugsI have had a few oopsters over the years too. While legal here they cause issues with the neighbors. I had to give mine away too. Sadly every one of mine also left with a few pullets.
thank you...
since we are in the same state, may I ask what resources you used to give your roo away?

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