Help Me Pick My Rooster!

Find out what she wants a rooster for. If it's for a pet then the wyandotte. But for a flock rooster, I dunno. If he were the only rooster he might feel more like he had a job to do.
Yep, I don’t know about Roo’s but with rams changing the flock dynamic can totally change their attitude. Our biggest ram, I’ve never had any problems with, even though I was told he tends to charge and butt people. Well, turns out when he’s with the ladies he’s fine, but take the girls away and he becomes a total jerk (yes, he finally took a run at me... after two years of being sweet as pie). So, maybe removing the Wyandotte would be good for everyone, and he’s not human aggressive which is a big plus for the new owner, and he can learn to grow up, be a man, and treat his ladies right!
Find out what she wants a rooster for. If it's for a pet then the wyandotte. But for a flock rooster, I dunno. If he were the only rooster he might feel more like he had a job to do.

A penned flock rooster. I think she wants him for breeding her next generation. Honestly, he's not aweful, he's just not as great as my bantam cochin. That mini guy keeps order, is gentle, is always alert, keeps his little ladies safe, runs towards danger if he thinks a hen is being threatened, always calls his girls for treats, and is great with chicks (and kids). The Wayandotte doesn't even come close to compairing... And he's TERIFIED of chicks. Seriously. He runs away from the tiny fluff balls.
A penned flock rooster. I think she wants him for breeding her next generation. Honestly, he's not aweful, he's just not as great as my bantam cochin. That mini guy keeps order, is gentle, is always alert, keeps his little ladies safe, runs towards danger if he thinks a hen is being threatened, always calls his girls for treats, and is great with chicks (and kids). The Wayandotte doesn't even come close to compairing... And he's TERIFIED of chicks. Seriously. He runs away from the tiny fluff balls.
Bantam Cochin roosters are wonderful little roosters. Entertaining too. I have a bunch in my large flock.
Interesting, I wonder if Wayandottes are just cowardly by nature? Even my hen is extremely skittish of everyone and everything in spite of being hand raised. He also happens to be a bit rough and doesn't share treats with his hens like my bantam roo. Also is terified of my RIR boss hen on top of running from every fight with a potential predator that I've witnessed.

That's an interesting point. I never even considered that.

Does anyone know how Easter Egger rooster temperaments are in general?
I don't know about EE roosters but my hens are some of my favorites! They don't lie being picked up but love being petted and always are near me when I am in their coop. I don't own a Wayandotte so I don't know about that but I do love my EE hens! They are 6 months so they could change but if you want to breed I would recommend EE's because I love the hens!!!
I'd vote to give her the Wyandotte then. Some roosters will just bow out of the major roles and accept more of a hen status in the flock of there is an alpha rooster. Like @Kris5902 said boys can have a completely different attitude in different situations.

I had a barred rock that the ladies LOVED. They would literally line up to squat for him. Had he not become human aggressive I would have kept him. I never thought the EE I kept wouldn't amount to much since the girls ignored him. Once the barred rock was out of the picture he really changed. I'd never seen the dance before! He was so much gentler with the girls. When I'd hand feed treats he'd always gently take them from me and give them to the girls. He's turned out to be a really great flock roo. I was seriously tempted to hatch out his offspring in hopes of getting another like him.

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