Help me please, young chick


6 Years
Apr 21, 2013
I've got an 8 week old who was with 10 other chicks and was found on her side Thursday with a few of the others standing on her. I removed her and now she is being spoiled inside the house getting some tlc. THe problem being she can't/won't stand up or move really. She has improved and is more alert but still just lays down. She eats and drinks fine, poop looks normal. She will pull her wings and legs back in if you stretch them out. I want to help her but have no idea of she's suffering. Any advice would be great!
It could be general weakness or maybe a vitamin deficiency. I would try some vitamin drops [people use Poly Vi Sol, not with iron, just plain Ply Vi Sol liquid baby vitamins]...just one, maybe two drops per day, with an eye dropper. I would also try feeding her some liquid egg yolk using an eye dropper. You just have to be careful to not fill the beak with liquid or they can breath it in by accident. Sometimes, I actually find it easier to smear it on my finger tip and slide my finger tip against the beak. It's tricky 'cuz they are so small. :)
Thank you so much! I'm new to raising chickens, and now I have one very spoiled house dwelling one ;) we are off to get some vitamins to see if that will help.
I wold worry about Marek's. Here's a little info on the symptoms

Her laying on her side could be the partial paralysis that it is talking about. The good news is birds can live with Marek's. You will need to take special precautions, though. If you need more info let me know and I will find more links for you.
I've looked at mareks and she doesn't really fit anything. She seems like a normal healthy chicken that just doesn't stand. She sits and moves her head and eats and drinks normally. I just don't get get. Gave her some vitamins today so maybe she was deprived of food and water somehow by the other chicks?
Now I've been paying closer attention I see her crop is way different than all if the others. Work that cause her to be lathargic?
It's full and round. Not quite hard but like a partially filled water's not squishy and I can't feel anything in there it's just full. She's eating and drinking but she pants a lot and she's currently inside in a 70 degree room. She doesn't seem to be getting worse but doesn't seem to be getting better. She's in day 3 of being like this.

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