help me please?


7 Years
Sep 16, 2012
del valle, tx
I am hatching turkey eggs for the first time. I believe the breed is Narragansett, I put them in egg cartons with pointy end down, of course. I also left the vent open so carbon dioxide can escape. I filled my incubator half way with water. Now my question is are they supposed to have water in the incubator like chickens, or be like duck and quail and dry untill lockdown? Also how long is the incubation period? Do they have to have cool down periods like ducks do once a day or are they ok like chickens and quail? Any advice is very helpful, but please try to make it straight to the points. If you trail off I tend to vet VERY confused.. Thank you!!
ive never hatched turkey eggs before but I know there is a good thread on it. look up incubating turkey eggs in the forum search I will try and find the link
The first 24 days is considered the incubation period. I don’t add any water at all in the incubator for this time period. You shouldn’t have to unless you are in an extremely dry part of the country with very low humidity below 50%.

Now at the end of day 24 or 25 take out the turner and put the eggs back in laying on their sides or just move them to your hatcher if you have one. You will now need to decrease your temp. down to 98.0 - 98.5 degrees and also increase the humidity by adding water, and you want the humidity to be at least 80% and if you can get it higher it will make an easier hatch for the poults as it will help to soften the shell
The first 24 days is considered the incubation period. I don’t add any water at all in the incubator for this time period. You shouldn’t have to unless you are in an extremely dry part of the country with very low humidity below 50%.

Now at the end of day 24 or 25  take out the turner and put the eggs back in laying on their sides or just move them to your hatcher if you have one. You will now need to decrease your temp. down to 98.0 - 98.5 degrees and also increase the humidity by adding water, and you want the humidity to be at least 80% and if you can get it higher it will make an easier hatch for the poults as it will help to soften the shell

perfect, thank u

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