May I ask what kind of development you see at day 9 with your ducks? Like I said I have Blue Swedish set and feel like I'm not quite seeing development as I should on day 9! I candled just a bit ago and don't see movement. All I read is on chicken and what I should see with them.
I usually candle on day 10 (my hatches were Muscovy, which take 35 days) and I wouldn't be too worried unless I saw an obvious clear or blood ring. It's not an exact science, so even if I suspect a clear or just don't know what I'm seeing, I'll leave the egg in until the second candling - you can tell more accurately at that point.

At the first candling, I'm expecting to see some blood vessel development (veining) and would be pleased to see a black eye blob.
I think some clears and some veining! But a couple look kinda like a cloud! I do leave them if I'm not sure. I guess ducks develop a little later since they have more days.
Got my money back on one of these defective bators I got and was looking for a low priced replacement! Have you seen on here which one is the best to buy? I was looking at TSC site! Seen the HovaBator, Farm Innovator 4200, and Little Giant! Just don't want to waste more $ on junk!! Ideas?

Little giant is junk. I have had better luck with a cooler and a lightbulb than that one.
I have another ? for you! On top of my bator issues 1 of my newborn Silkies looks sickly. It has a bald spot on it's head and what looks like pasty butt! I feed them chick starter, UltraKibble for chicks, chick grit along with GroGel in the water! Last night when I noticed it was not acting normal I did add some vinegar in the water! Can you think of anything I could do better? They are in my house in the brooder, I use pine shavings for bedding.. ALL is kept clean!

I have a bigger problem with pasty butt when I use wood chips for bedding. I don't know if they try to eat it or what, but I experience less with sand and hay.
I bet that is the problem cause as soon as I took my Silkie off the shelf liner it got it! What about pine needles I never seen that before?
I bet that is the problem cause as soon as I took my Silkie off the shelf liner it got it! What about pine needles I never seen that before?

I've never used pine needles. But it might work better. I use wood chips for the adults, so it is so tempting for the babies. But every time we have awful problems with pasty butt.
I use the pine shavings from day one and I have never had any problems. I have heard people say that if you use a brooder light for heating it also causes increase of pasty butt, but I use the light as well.
It might be that our chips aren't big enough, or our chicks are just stupider. I keep trying to use wood chips, but it happens every time. Then it stops if I switch them to sand.

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