Help me with hatching these eggs!


In the Brooder
5 Years
Apr 3, 2014
My brooding hen (who is also my son's "pet") started brooding about 27 days ago. And 24 days ago I put six fertilized eggs (not guaranteed just from a friend who has a rooster) under her. She has been a very dedicated mother! Once she did sit on the wrong nest but only for a couple hours at most. After the eggs had been under her for 21 days they started to hatch. On day 22 I looked under her and found a dead chick and a broken egg with a weird deformed mess in it and a cracked up egg. Now the eggs have been under her for 24 days and still nothing from the three remaining eggs. The one that was cracked up smells rotten. I had figured I should give up on all of them, buy some chicks, and pop them under her so she could stop brooding and my son could stop waiting! But then I did the "float test" with the three remaining solid eggs and all had a nice "low float" which means they are fertile eggs with chicks right? So should I just keep waiting? Why would three eggs hatch before the others three? I thought they were all suppose to hatch at once? I am very anxious and all these dead chicks are breaking my heart! What could be going wrong here? Any advice would be helpful! Thanks!
When you did the float test, did the egg move on it's own? Watch this video for a demonstration;

Did you ever light "candle" the eggs during the 21 day incubation period? Looking inside will tell you a lot! See a demonstration here:

Anything over 21 days with a hen is almost a certain dud. Try those suggestions and anything else others offer.

Best of luck!
When you did the float test, did the egg move on it's own? Watch this video for a demonstration;

Did you ever light "candle" the eggs during the 21 day incubation period? Looking inside will tell you a lot! See a demonstration here:

Anything over 21 days with a hen is almost a certain dud. Try those suggestions and anything else others offer.

Best of luck!

I did the float test today, day 24. I did not see any obvious movement by my excited son was not allowing for a long completely still moment!
I never did the candle test early on, I just didn't know. I tried doing the candle test today but could not see anything.
So should I just give up on the remaining eggs?
Never give up until you have sufficient information to make an informed decision. I would, right now, do a float test in ~ 100 degree water. If there is no movement within 2 minutes I'd consider it a dud. Verify with a candle test.

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