HELP! Mean Rooster?!?

He is a Silkie cockerel, he's really no bigger than any of the others except for the Banty cockeral. I just went out to check on them& he seemed ok. I'm not quiet sure what he is doing when he does this: he kind of comes towards me in a sideways position, almost like a purring noise, and then starts pecking at the ground?!? Is he trying to be dominant of me maybe? Oh & there are 4 females, the same age.
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He's posturing to let you know he has a space that's his. Probably dominance also. My two roosters posture to one another through the chain link fence while in their own areas. Last week by accident one got in the other's area and they didn't posture or fight. The one who's space was invaded just crowed a lot, and was happy when I removed his "enemy".
I'm wondering if he doesn't like the Sultans because they look " different" w/their many feathers on top of their head. Also, the Sultans are so lovable & we do hold them. Do chickens get jealous? Goldie has never really liked to be held or petted. He will come around us & occasionally get in my lap if I have food but really doesn't want to be touched. Now my Banty Cockeral will come get in my lap daily. He also doesn't want to be touched but he comes to check everything out.
I have around thirteen breeds and haven't noticed jealousy. Preference yes. I have heard tale of some roosters not liking large combs on hens. To remedy this there are a couple things I've come across, silly to serious, chicken glasses that act to blind the chicken to certain colors and de- combing by surgery like cropping puppy ears. Some shows for some breeds will only accept cropped roosters.
Oh my
that seems extreme lol. Thank you all for your post, I hope I can figure this all out soon.
I have noticed my young rooster shows particularly more attention (unwanted I might add) to my favorite hen. I do not think it is jealousy I think it is that he is trying to prove she is his and not mine. If I go out to the yard and she is anywhere close he tries to mount her. I truly think it is a dominance thing, and it makes me feel terrible for my girl. He is such a bumbler that it is not easy for her, he grabs her by the comb, he may be going to the "special farm" soon if he does not settle down.
How sad :( it really breaks my heart to see them act this way towards the others. I had no idea of this behavior (yes I was pretty naive) the whole pecking order thing is not nice either lol. And I'm really thinking it was more of an attack mode to the Sultans yesterday not a mating thing
I'm kind of anxious to see how he acts this evening after I get home. He still wants to go in the old coop at night & that's not the plan. I had a brand new coop/enclosed run built for them all but I won't dare put the Sultans in there, they wouldn't be able to get away from him!
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Sadly I agree :( Although he was better yesterday, somewhat. I'm thinking he sees me as a threat to him, because I have taken 2 of his girls away from him & I do spend time w/them also. After I put the 4 up yesterday I opened the door for the 2 sultans to come out & they wouldn't budge. So I picked them up & took around to the front yard (so they couldn't see or hear the others) & oh my gosh! They were so happy!! This morning when I went out to give them a treat he kept picking his up & dropping it by me & making his noise thing. I ignored him because I sure don't want him thinking he dominates me!
He is starting to posture more aggressively if he is picking up stones and tossing them on the ground. I regularly am making my Brahma rooster move out of my way and not letting him think I am walking away from him when he is standing full face to me. I make sure he knows that he is backing down to me when we are in the run together. I don's want him to ever think he intimidated me even in an instance that I didn't realize he was challenging me. (did that make sense? lol)

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