HELP - Meat birds trampling each other

Kansas Chicken Mama

In the Brooder
11 Years
Oct 10, 2008
St. Paul
I am trying meat birds for the first time and to be honest, I'm not doing well. I'm having big losses by the birds trampling each other. I had them in a spare bedroom for the last 4 weeks. (PEEYOOO) There were in a VERY large appliance box and we keep it 70 in our house. I would find one every couple of days dead from trampling. I've moved the food several times in relationship to the lamp trying to find a happy medium and nothing seemed to work. I was hoping now that the husband had the 8 x 12 brooder completed, moving them to a more open area to roam around would help but this morning I had more losses than ever. They had all decided to sleep in the feed tray rather than under the lamp and I lost 3 more. I'm open to any suggestions.
First off, how many do you have?

They don't need a heat lamp anymore, especially at the room temps you have.

(PEEYOOO) There were in a VERY large appliance box and we keep it 70 in our house.

Just my opinion - No livestock in the house!

They had all decided to sleep in the feed tray rather than under the lamp and I lost 3 more. I'm open to any suggestions.

They're probably too hot. That's why they were in food tray. Also, I would take the food away for 12 hours, feed for 12 hours.

Have you noticed any bloody poo?

Have you been giving them vitamins/electrolites?​
I had the same thoughts as bigredfeather: how many are in the brooder?

Meaties need a bit more room than others, they are bigger and bulkier. If they are all crunched away from the light they are too hot. They should all walk around and sleep without needing to crunch together. That is a sign they are comfortable. Sometimes they will still snuggle up but it shouldn't be all the time. Is there poo real runny. Sometimes when they are overheated they drink more to cool down and have real watery poo. I had to learn the hard way as well, I didn't even know about BYC when I got mine. I was fortunate and had no losses but I only had six meaties to deal with. I too kept mine in a large refridgerator box. When mine got too hot they were crunched together in the corner of the box trying to get away from the heat lamp and they drank alot so had very watery poo. I am still somewhat new at it but this is what I have learned from my experience. Maybe they are overcrowded? Are they feathered out? Maybe they can go to the coop now? Lastly is there poo bloody, are you sure they are being trampled and not dying on their own then the others just lay on them?
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I'm down to 20 birds and I would have rather not have had them in the house but I didn't have a choice as the add on to the coop wasn't done. They have been moved to the add on now, sorry I referred to it as the brooder. However it is a 8 x 12 foot room. I just went out and for the first time saw some bloody stool and am figuring it is cocci also. I however have had no experience with this and am a bit freaked out as they are roomed next to my other chickens that are pets. I can live without the meaties but it would kill me if my pets become ill. I got these meat birds as a healthier option than store birds. I'm wondering if I should cull the entire bunch rather than risking getting my pets sick. I'm just sick thinking I was trying to do something healthy and have put my pets at risk.
Ok.....I have taken a deep breathe and calmed a bit after reading up on cocci. I'm going to add some DE to the litter although it is fresh and clean away all bloody droppings. I'm also adding some cider vinegar to the water and going to pray for the best. Like I said I'm not interested in meds really so any other ideas would be helpful.
Personally, I would try to find some Corid. It is not a med in the sense of being an antibiotic. It just limits the uptake of thiamine, allowing them to develop their own immunity, keeping the cocci population under control. I wouldn't use the Sulmet on meaties, though as it IS an antibiotic.
Way too many birds in such a small area, move them outside where they should be, too hot for them, too crowded, you should have had the outside area done before even getting them. In my opinion they just eat drink and POOP way to much to even consider being kept indoors, and that is why your having so many problems, get them into an outdoor chicken enviroment and you may, just may get lucky and save a couple.

Kansas Chicken Mama] I however have had no experience with this and am a bit freaked out as they are roomed next to my other chickens that are pets.

So keeping all your chickens in this situtation is by your choice ??. if you want a healthy option to store bought chicken as you stated, get them all outside.

Sorry I am just a firm advocate of keeping livestock outside where they belong, your just harming them by keeping them inside, they can't scratch and interact with nature and not to mention sanitary reasons.

I don't want to come off to strong on this subject, but it is crutial.

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If it was a choice between keeping Cornish X's inside and NOT having them, I would never get them. Granted, I get them 75 at a time, but even with smaller numbers, I could barely stand going into my gargage when I was brooding them, and I cleaned out the poo twice per day! And the talcum powder dander covering everything- I don't know how people do it!
OK...for the record, we were building the 8 x 12 addition to the coop BEFORE the chicks were ordered, I had no intention of keeping 25 birds inside. However, due to a 7 day stay in ICU and the death of my father things got a little sidetracked. The birds are now in an 8 x 12 add on to the coop with a run that is open to it. I think I'll just find a way to delete this thread and do my research elsewhere. I need help, not to be beat up anymore than I'm already doing to myself.

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