This is my first winter with chickens, so this is new to me.
I have 5 hens, 2 roosters. All Buff Orps. They are from spring chix. The weather here is getting into the teens/twenty's. Today it hit 5.
My chickens seem to not come out of their coop when there is snow on the ground, so I haven't seen them close in a week or so, but we noticed today that a couple of the hens have their combs 1/2 missing, and a big spot on their lower backs with all the feathers ripped out. not bleeding, just NO insulation.
Two questions:
Should I kill the two remaining roosters? They are destined for the cooker eventually anyway. I don't really have any good way to seperate them. I could put them in a barn, but it will be drafty, and easy for predators to get to. I may have a weasel in the area.
I have not had heat in their coop. I was going with the theory that it would be a shock to them if ever they lost elec., better to let them acclimate. Being that there are spots that don't have feathers, should I get heat to them? I'm worried if I put a heat lamp in there, they'll fight for location.
I don't want my girls to suffer. I would really appreciate any knowledgable advice.
I have 5 hens, 2 roosters. All Buff Orps. They are from spring chix. The weather here is getting into the teens/twenty's. Today it hit 5.
My chickens seem to not come out of their coop when there is snow on the ground, so I haven't seen them close in a week or so, but we noticed today that a couple of the hens have their combs 1/2 missing, and a big spot on their lower backs with all the feathers ripped out. not bleeding, just NO insulation.
Two questions:
Should I kill the two remaining roosters? They are destined for the cooker eventually anyway. I don't really have any good way to seperate them. I could put them in a barn, but it will be drafty, and easy for predators to get to. I may have a weasel in the area.
I have not had heat in their coop. I was going with the theory that it would be a shock to them if ever they lost elec., better to let them acclimate. Being that there are spots that don't have feathers, should I get heat to them? I'm worried if I put a heat lamp in there, they'll fight for location.
I don't want my girls to suffer. I would really appreciate any knowledgable advice.