*HELP* Moving in circle to the right, lethargic


Sep 5, 2022
Central New Mexico
Hi all, I have a pullet who just started looking ill today. She is holding her head to the right and slowly moving in a circle to the right, with feathers fluffed out. She wouldn’t eat scratch out of my hand and is just really staying still. Her vent is clean and her crop is full.

I have not observed her poop or seen her eat or drink in the hour I’ve been watching. She is a couple months old. Any advice appreciated. She is with about 20 flock mates around the same age.
Sounds like a form of wry neck or torticollis. She may not be eating, so the poop is mostly urates. Try giving her a vitamin E capsule directly into her beak. Give her some scrambled egg to eat, or even a raw egg. Egg will give her nourishment and help the E work quicker.

In the event this is a crop disorder, check her crop in the morning before she eats or drinks. If the crop is full, you'll need to treat a crop disorder.
Sounds like a form of wry neck or torticollis. She may not be eating, so the poop is mostly urates. Try giving her a vitamin E capsule directly into her beak. Give her some scrambled egg to eat, or even a raw egg. Egg will give her nourishment and help the E work quicker.

In the event this is a crop disorder, check her crop in the morning before she eats or drinks. If the crop is full, you'll need to treat a crop disorder.
Thank you so much, as usual 🙏

I brought her in, gave her some nutridrench with egg yolk and just watched. I offered some scrambled eggs, and to my surprise, she gobbled them up. Then I put the water in front of her, and she drank a lot.

Her crop felt hard, so I just massaged her for awhile and put her back in the cage with the door opened. She walked out with her head up, and pooped some firmer green poo (there was alfalfa in the yard). I felt her crop again, and it was much more squishy. I put her back with her family, and she jumped up on the outside roost and was trying to get under her friends. I will check again before dark, and if she is alone, I will bring her back in.

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