HELP! My 1.7 year old hen layed a weird egg!

Thank you Staceyh. The link has good information. I had speculated that it might be stress and it looks like that may be the cause. I now have a place to start to fix the problem. Thank you
One of my 5 hens is laying a small, yokeless egg. All the same age chicken, same environment, same food.View attachment 2934930
@LesleyOregon Is there anything else inside other than the albumen(whites)?
How many has she laid?

Fairy, fart, wind, rooster eggs are usually from a tiny piece of tissue breaking loose from the reproductive tract, or an immature ova(yolk) and the body forms an egg around it. Color can be darker than 'normal' as the pigment coating released has to cover a much smaller area so is thicker. Can happen with any age layer, but more common with older layers.

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