Help! My 1yo just ate chicken poop

Honestly, I would guess your chicken poop is "cleaner" than most processed meat and lunchables kids eat. The biggest concern would be some kind of parasite but most of those will get annihilated in the stomach acids. As others pointed out, we all have stories of our kid ate something horrendous.

That said, now that he has shown a propensity for "tasting" random things- you need to put your mom-senses to work and make sure there's nothing else available to him such as dishwasher pods, etc.
One time when my oldest was just mobile, he got into the laundry broom where we kept the kitty litter. He was throwing sand and rolling with laughter as it rained down on him and had eaten a cat turd that was smeared all over his face. It was the most horrendously disgusting thing ever, and I was so upset I let him sneak in there. But babies are sneaky and they are developing great immune systems. Now my baby is a smart, funny 9 year old. Unless he starts acting sick, I’m sure he’s just fine! Don’t beat yourself up to much.
Does he ever purr? Lol :wee
No, thankfully not. I called his pediatrician but didn't get ahold of them so left a voice message. I also gave him some garlic and some oregano leaves from the garden to chew on immediately after, as that was the only antibacterial thing I could think of at the time. The garlic was too spicy and made him cry, but the oregano and some breastmilk afterwards seemed to take away the spicy garlic taste. He's been going about his day as normal after all that. Thanks for your help.
If he's breastfed he's got great immunity! Yea Mom even my girls are weird things when they were little I remember finding a huge beetle in their poop one time? They're fast little buggers!.
For anyone who stumbles upon this thread, wondering about their own child...

After my son pulled out of the trash the poopy egg shell and ate it, nothing abnormal happened the rest of the day. His digestive tract didn't seem to be phased at all. Yes, he was breastfed and often tasted dirt/sand outside in the yard while playing and exploring. No, we do not use chemicals on our property outside or in our kitchen/household cleaning supplies, so I wasn't too worried about him getting into chemicals he shouldn't. He's now a strong, healthy, happy 1 year old who LOVES all food I give him... but I don't give him egg shells. :lol:

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