HELP! My 3-day-old chick can neither stand nor eat!


Sep 22, 2021
Hello guys, I just got a 3-day-old chick. And when the second day after hatching, the incubator was broken in the middle of the night. The chick was cool and stiff when I woke up. It became better after I gave it a rub of its back and chest. Then I went to a pet shop to get a heater light for it. Now the temperature is around 35 Celcius degrees.
But now it is refusing to eat, drink or stand. It will drink a bit if I physically feed it with sugar water. But no matter how I try, it just doesn't eat (I've tried to feed it with soaked feed). Its crop is soft (I assumed it's nothing in there?).
Moreover, it is unable to stand properly as well. The chick has excreted 3 times in the past few days. The first and second time were white, watery faeces, and then green-ish watery. The chick almost sleeps all day long. Even I wake it up for feeding, it's still trying to close its eyelids. I was wondering what I should do to help it. Thank you.

Here are some photos of its conditions.




It sounds like your chick has been through a lot in its short life. If it's 3+ days old now and not eating, it's at risk of starving to death because its yolk will have been used up - and that could explain its weakness. If it were my chick and it's not perking up after being given a supplement (I like one with vitamins, like Poultry Nutri-Drench) and hasn't eaten, I'd seriously consider tube feeding it now.

The poop looks normal for the post-hatch timeframe - it looks like digested yolk to me.

Best of luck!

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