Help! My 3 week old duckling is struggling!

How are you giving her the BComplex? There is always a chance since she’s young. Can she stay upright on her own? Once she’s stronger you could try some water therapy with her while holding onto her letting her kick her feet whic can hel her strengthen her legs but not yet. Give her more time.
How are you giving her the BComplex? There is always a chance since she’s young. Can she stay upright on her own? Once she’s stronger you could try some water therapy with her while holding onto her letting her kick her feet whic can hel her strengthen her legs but not yet. Give her more time.
Giving it to her with a syringe orally. She can stay up right for a few seconds. And thank you I was wondering if I should put her in the water yet but I’ll wait!
Yes I think I’d give her a week on the liquid b complex before doing water therapy and see where she is on recovery. You might make her a warm soup out of a little feed to see if she can eat it better also just small amounts till you see how she does. Make sure to offer food an water often.
They can’t have medicated food
What feed are they on? And what temp is your brooder ? At three weeks they should be kept at 70 to 78 degrees but no hotter

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