help. my 4 week old silkie is doing front flips uncontrollably


7 Years
May 15, 2012
My 4 week old silkie started doing front flips out of nowhere. I thought maybe she wad trying to itch herself so I applied a bit of the mite powder.still she is moving her head very Strangely,flipping forward,walking backwards and twitching.. I'm thinking a bigger chick may have hurt her neck? I have no idea. Poor tiny baby,I don't know what to do! Please help her!
I have read that this is very common with Silkies. Their skull is not formed right or something and their brain is not actually in their skull or not covered all the way. I have a 4-week old that has this condition also but a lot less severe then yours. she has had it since she was a week and is doing fine. I read that you can give her poly-vi-solo multivitamin drops three times a day.( its made by enfamil and will be with the vitamins at any grocery store) I don't know if this helps but i tried it for a week and mine did not get better but she never got worse. Any kind of peck or hit to the head will cause this with Silkies. I think mine was startled and ran into the wall of the brooder. I am sorry to say but most don't make it.
[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]themadchicken: I think w[/FONT]hat your trying to say is she has a vaulted skull but that is not the case here.
She has a vitamin E deficiency, which is common in Silkies.

You will need to get some vitamin 400mg E capsules with selenium and squirt one capsule into her beak twice a day. You also need some liquid vitamin B and will give her one squirt, once a day. Do this until her neck has fully recovered.

It is very important that you make sure she gets enough to eat and drink during this treatment time. If her neck is bent to the point she cannot straighten it herself, she won't be able to eat or drink on her own.
So chickennuby does not have wry neck? I am also learning about Silkies. So if chickennuby only has a vitamin deficiency and not wry neck then will this aslo help my chick? I planed on my 3 silkies bein my home grown brooder. Hey chickennuby post a short video so we can see what is going on .
Yes she does have wry neck, But not a vaulted skull.
I would love to see a video if you can get one. How is she doing now?

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