help my African goose

Brook K

In the Brooder
Jul 8, 2015
Today my 3 month old goose fell off his slide into his pool at a strange angle. The pool is a kiddy pool with slide. He flopped around then got out. I finished feeding all the animals and went to watch them play. He was standing away from the others with his neck wrapped around to the right, kinda like how they sleep. This was weird looking and when I got close to him all he could do is turn around and around to the right. I picked him up and brought him inside and when I felt his neck he yelled. I turned him loose and his head went right back into that strange position. Is it broken? What on earth is wrong with my baby boy?? Please help.
He could be suffering from wry neck brought on by his injury. You can treat him with poultry vitamins in his water, and add some foods that contain selenium, or give selenium separately. The important vitamins are thiamine, vitamin E, and selenium. Poultry Nutri-Drench contains all 3. You can also post on the goose forum here:
Here is a link or 2 to read about wry neck:

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