
In the Brooder
5 Years
Apr 20, 2014
I had four one week old chicks that I bought last sunday, and about three days ago I found one of them had died. I had just assumed that it wasn't healthy when I bought it. At first i thought it was the heat so i backed it away from them and made sure they could get out of it. This morning i found two others dead. i found a large rash under both wings on my chick that is still alive so i checked the two dead ones and found nothing. i checked for crusty butt and it doesnt seem to have any problems. it has been making a loud ,high pitched chirp all day. PLEASE HELP!!!!!!
Hi there! I'm not quite sure what is going on with your little peeps
Sorry about your losses. My best advice is to give them apple cider vinegar in their water (unpasteurized) parsley, basil and maybe an herbal tea. (Put fresh herbs in a teapot and let it boil. Then let it steep and drain out the herbs.)

Good luck!
It's nearly impossible to know why chicks die. The last one is loudly chirping because its flockmates are gone. It seems odd you lost all but one. Can you go get another chick or 2 for the other one?
I am so sorry! It's very hard to know why or how your chicks are dying. I am going through a chicken medical emergency myself. Just remember to stay calm and gentle so the chick doesn't get scared. Good luck.

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