Help!!! My chicken stop laying

There are a couple reasons your chicken might stop laying
(3)new addition to flock
(4)not enough daylight
(6) different breeds lay less eggs
(7) old age (which is probably not her case)
I hope I could have helped !!❤️❤️
My alpha Hen is a hatchery Barred rock from last spring. She laid from August through March hardly missing a day even in the dark of winter. Then her shells got thin and her productions slowed for a month or two and now she hasn’t laid an egg since May.
Same as you she isn’t sick, doesn’t appear egg bound, isn’t broody and continues to dominate the flock - I think probably just premature ovarian failure? We got another round of chicks this spring so if she still isn’t laying by the time they start, as much as we love her, she’s going to the big coop in the sky to make room.
Not sure if this helps, but you aren’t alone.
Has she become the dominant bird by any chance? In the absence of a rooster, sometimes a hen will "become the roo" that isn't there and that may have stopped her from laying. The best you can hope for is a full molt this coming fall and possibly re-starting laying next spring. As long as she's happy and you're OK with her as a pet vice as an egg producer, what is, is what is. If you need a layer, then consider making her into soup and replacing her with a couple of new pullets.
Oh...thank you all for your feedback. It is very helpful, but she is my husbands favorite and I don’t think we have the heart to make soup out of her. :( She is the more dominant one and crows all the time. She’s just looking for attention every time she see a man around, but w me she’s very quiet.
Hello All, so my RR Hen has finally laid an egg. However, the shell was very soft and funny looking. Like a tadpole. Does anyone know what happened or what’s going on with her? Here is a picture of the egg.


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