HELP..My duck has bumble foot...What do I do???? VET SAID NO...

I'm so sorry
Sorry to hear she died, I am going through it with one of my pekings. I found the large swollen pad two days ago and began to treat when I could catch her. But now her opposite leg is swollen from favoring it and she is immobile. Still eating and drinking though. I have the both legs wrapped and treating with Prep H. This worked exceptional on one of my chickens, but I guess it will depend on how bad the staph infection is in the blood. I thinking the infection made it into your ducks major organs and killed her. It can with people too. I used to get staph infections from working on the docks in the summer, Prep H is what the doctor told me to use, to pull it out without using anti-biotics. They should be avoided with staph, as animals and ducks will always come into contact with it, and they make the strain stronger each time. They probably should have been used in your case though.

As far as loneliness when I have time I let her sit with me. Last nite using a towel I let her sleep on my chest for a few hours. Actually I think she is happy to be away from the other drakes. Even though she was sick the one drake was constantly trying to mount her, this may be how she hurt her other leg.

BTW to treat for staph takes a very strong anti-biotic usually injected. Unfortunately I had some cipro and my DW threw it out because I am allergic, but it is one that is used for staph effectively.
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