My hen started sitting last Monday...she had 1, I added 3, now she is up to 12! Also, yesterday she wouldn't come out of the duck house at all and I realized that she now has 12 in one clutch and was trying to sit on the 5 that someone else started! She is STRESSED! I took out the 5 and brought them in and put them in the brooder with the babies to keep them warm since she has been sitting them since yesterday (shared with her other clutch). WHAT TO DO? she can't possibly do two clutches right? Will she STOP LAYING? Is she going to continue to steal the other girls eggs? If so, I would have to separate them right? Because, once she gets them in her nest, I won't know the new ones from the ones that have been incubating for a week. She obviously knows that she has too many in that one next because they are popping out the sides and she is now sitting two instead of dragging them over to her nest. Should I give them to her nest? That is too many...17...I would think. Can they go all day under the brooder lamp and then go in an incubator? Someone buys them from me that has an incubator, but is not home until later and I don't know if these eggs will be OK from not being sat on today...........PLEASE ANY ADVICE WOULD BE SO APPRECIATED!