HELP! My goat gave birth! REALLY BAD NEWS Post#77 Need Answers

My heart and soul go out to you. I just feel for you.

Every time I have a baby or full grown animal death it just hurts. I keep thinking back to see if I could have done more and my husband always reassures me that I gave them care and love and that sometimes I need to expect deaths, but it just hurts so much.

Yesterday, I found a dead baby bunny in one of my bunny cages...It was not revivable and I just hurt for it.

Art Linkletter said aging isn't for sissies. I say farming isn't for the faint of heart but for the caring of heart. I wouldn't want anyone but a tender heart caring for the critters.

Take care.
I have emailed a couple of goats rescue that are nearby because a couple of weeks ago they told me they were going to be having kids soon. Let's hope they have some. Even if Daisy won't except them as her own I can use the milk replacer up.
bheila...I am so sorry to hear about the kids. This is my first chance to log on and read the posts since Sunday evening (school started back) and I was so excited catching up on their progress and I loved the pictures, they looked so precious, that I was dumbfounded when I came to your post today. I am so sorry you had to go through that, but don't let it scare you from breeding her again. Next time you will be aware of the pregnancy and can make sure she gets the proper care she will need.

I did think of FKS, Floppy Kid Syndrome, when I read your post from this morning. You can goggle it and find out more info about the syndrome.

Again I am sorry about your loss.

Sorry for the loss
Oh that is heartbreaking to lose the both of them. Poor Daisy too. It's sad enough to lose babies like that and then to see the momma grieve and cry for them is more than I can take. I'm sorry.
I am so sorry ...I know how you feel I had the very same thing this year happen 1 day they are fine and then dead the next...I lost 5 this year and its a copper deficency. You need to bolus her and also she needs a Bo-se shot also if you rebreed her. This is what I have to do and I did save 2 babies that had the same problems you had. I dont really know what saved them but I hit them with everything I had. I gave them shots of Bo-se and teeny copper boluses also. plus lots of other things. I dont use replacer as it can make them very sick. If you bottle feed use either cows milk or goats milk. replacer wont clabber in the tummy and gives the scours. Lost some from that also wont do it again.
Its sad when this happens but this is what I was told to do is Bo-se shots and copper lots of copper. Your doe looks to be a Nigerian Dwarf also. She seems to have what we call sunlights and that is a copper thing. I have learned lots over the years and no matter what we do somethings just cant be explained. So sorry again.
Oh my gosh, I am so very sorry. I've been gone all day and just now got home to see the sad news. Now I'm really worried about my two kids, born the morning after yours, also found chilled and one frail and the mother had rejected it. I'm so sad just thinking about you finding them dead and the mama crying for them. I left DH in charge of mine today which I moved into my bathroom yesterday so I could be sure they stayed warm and I could get up every hour and make sure I held the mama so the little boy she's rejected could nurse. DH said he even took one upstairs today to show it to someone and it started crying and then the mama heard it and she started crying. Oh, this just makes me so sad and worried. I just showed DH this thread and he got so worried he ran in to check on the babies himself. I told him I've heard the little girl sneezing since we discovered them yesterday. My two look exactly like your two.

I'm so sorry. This is so devastating.

Now DH is so worried he's gone back out to stables to bring in a mineral mix for the mama and I'm going to try and get some vitamins in my babies.
Ruth-I've been wondering how your babies are. I sure hope your girls sneezes aren't anything serious. Everyone keeps talking about pneumonia. I'll keep my fingers crossed for your babies. I just can't believe my babies are really gone
I'm just so sad and sorry for you. I'm going to go hug my babies now. I've missed them today.

I had to go visit my first-time pregnant daughter today who is very hormonal and called me and wanted me to come do a "girl's day". When I told her I couldn't because I had a newborn kid I had to feed hourly and was worried about, she broke down crying about everything hormonal you could imagine. So I told her, "I'm on my way". I was worried about the little goat all day. I was so glad to get home a little while ago and see them both alive.

The little girl is jumping and bucking and playing. The little boy is finally able to walk properly but still can't seem to get control of his legs. When he's nursing, I have to put my hand or foot behind his back feet because they slide out from behind him and go all straddled. Of course he is on hardwood floors but there are towels and sheets down and he slips on everything whereas his sister does not. He has really long legs and his back legs seem even longer than his front and he just can't seem to get the hang of getting all four going at same time. So, still don't know if this is a problem or just that he's weaker because she probably had them during the night and we didn't discover them till morning and she had done nothing for this baby. She does dote on the little girl though.

I can't imagine how devastated I'd be if I found them dead. I'm still upset that the triplet didn't make it and kicking myself that I wasn't there and might could have done something. It looked like it never got out of the sack.

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