HELP! My goat milk tastes "goaty" - what am I doing wrong!


In the Brooder
6 Years
Aug 12, 2013
We recently purchased two Saanen/Alpine cross does to milk. I have never milked a goat before. I've done a ton of research. The person I bought them from was knowledgeable and very helpful in helping us get started. I milk in a pen in our old hog house. We thoroughly cleaned it and it does not smell because I like to keep windows/doors open to keep the building well ventilated. I was straining my milk out there and placing in a cooler because I was milking in the morning and didn't want to cause commotion in The house and wake my kids. I've now switched them to milking in the afternoons. They are milked once a day. I now filter in the house and am able to get the milk properly chilled in under an hour, but our milk tastes goaty to me. I know that it isn't suppose to. They are on free range pasture. I am guessing that this is the issue? I had never had goats milk before this and wasn't apprehensive about it, but I almost can't drink it some days. I am looking for any helpful insight!
Are they eating Alfalfa or Sweet feed

It's possible for them to eat some weeds that can give them a goaty taste.
I'd keep them locked I'm and cut down some 'Approved' branches (birch / spruce / willow won't give a goaty taste) and give them straight hay for the day. If you can, switch what feed your feeding them to a not-sweet feed. Some goats are more sensitive to what their eating and how they affect their milks taste
They are free range pasture. I know that's most likely the problem. I don't like keeping my animals locked up. They have access to alfalfa in the barn and I give them a small scoop of feed when I milk them. I read so many posts that said it tastes great that I am so disappointed. The person we bought them from said their milk taste good and we give them the same feed. I should have asked to sample their milk. I was naive on that part.
I know I should lock them up. We just baled Saturday and I gave them a bale. It was alfalfa. I tasted their milk from the next day and it was goatee than the day before. I'll try more grass hay. Here I thought the alfalfa would have made it taste good!
Yeah, not sure why, some goats aren't affected by alfalfa, others are. Best of luck :D
We had an alpine doe who had creamy milk that just tasted wonderful. We were putting it in gallon jugs, and I started drinking it instead of milk without knowing, didnt even realize. :lol:
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I would have thought that nice alfalfa would make it taste better. I will have to try to make a dry lot for them and see if that makes a difference!
Alfalfa is a high protein hay. You know the old saying "you are what you eat"? Same thing with goat's milk, chicken eggs and any kind of meat. It's all in the feed. If you don't like Alfalfa, try something like Timothy.
I'm surprised you're only milking once a day. I seem to remember that goats should be milked in twice a day, every day, just like cattle.
Goats can be milked once a day, but they produce less milk. For many this is a plus as milking twice a day can produce too much waste. Also, milking once a day can cause a goat to dry up a bit faster.

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