Help! My hens’ eyes are swelling shut!


Oct 27, 2018
Yesterday I went out to my coop and let the chickens out. They all seemed fine but I noticed a lump on my Buff Orpington hen’s eye. I put Vaseline on it and my other hen Laura . I suspect fowl pox, but they all eat fine and eagerly. My 7 hens and 1 peachick are out in a small pasture with 4 goats and a sheep. They are let out to roam in the morning and fed and put away at night. I clip their wings when they need it. They are with a rooster 24/7 and have hatched 7 chicks sooo far, 18 more on the way! What do you think I should do for my hens?


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This is Lucy. She’s only been like this for a day. I had a female peachick with something similar to this on her die a few months ago.
Welcome to BYC. Can you post a picture of the swollen eye, or the pox? If you are dealing with pox, it is best to not disturb the scabs, since they can spread the virus. A swollen eye can be a sign of a respiratory disease, an eye infection, or a peck injury.
I would take to a vet so you can find a diagnosis and know what the problem is. This would help dictate future management.

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