Help my rooster started crowing

It was a hard decision.. I had to give away both of my roosters. And it’s been two weeks I still miss them so much :(
I am sad that you had to make this decision, :hithowever, I would like to back you up to say that I think it is the right one. If your neighbors don't want them then you have to do what's best. :hugsI hope that they got a great home and that you will be comforted by getting more chickens! :)
I'm having the same issue. I purchased 3 chicks and a duck and was told they would grow to be hens. Now all 3 turned out to be roos and they literally take turns crowing. Loudly i might add. And im so worried that eventually someone os going to complain. Maybe even call the cops on me😥 if u figure it out let me know!
It was a hard decision.. I had to give away both of my roosters. And it’s been two weeks I still miss them so much :(

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