Help my rooster wont stop attacking me and wont back down

Should I get rid of him and start with a new rooster / male chick next year ?

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Yes....If your Brother Challenged the Rooster?...He asked for the fight..Roosters are extremely protective of his hens...No fast movements and chasing only brings out his protective behaviour...A Rooster will fight till the death and rarely back down...Don't let your brother chase or antagonize him anymore and he will calm down again...
It is a very rare rooster that will fight to the death. In fact most would rather not fight at all.
Roosters care about two things survival and breeding period. Everything they do resolves around those two things. Of course a rooster is protective of his hens because they serve a purpose for him. How protective depends on the individual rooster. Every now and again you will find one that will die for his flock but almost all are smart enough to know survival is more important. And if they can flee a situation they can live to have a chance to breed another day.
Most always when a rooster kills another rooster it isn't because the dead rooster wanted to fight to the death its because he couldn't get away from the other one.
I have 100+ roosters and cockerels that live together right now. I hardly see a squabble let alone serious fighting among them. And I surely don't find dead roosters littering my yard.
The reason it works is because they have a lot of space. Multiple shelters and hiding places if need be but to be honest with enough room they don't bother each other.
I was dealing with the same issue with my BO rooster and I tried everything with him and I thought it was working for a couple months there were no attacks and this past week the attacks started back up first he attacked me once so I tried working with him again but he wasn't backing down anymore and Saturday he attacked my daughter for no reason other than one of the girls jumped into her lap and he went into full fledged attack mode and broke skin and up until then he had never broke skin never drew blood it was at that moment that I had enough and I grabbed his a** and put him in the isolation coop (or in his case on death row ) and took his food away to be able to cull him today while they were in school but my daughter felt bad for him so she fed yesterday which granted him a stay of execution for one day it has been rescheduled for tomorrow
My young new rooster that I hatched last year has started to attack my legs from the back and front. I've try to scary him by run with my arms waving in the air and shouting. Also used a stick, but he will not back down. He was not handled as a chick and should be shy, but seem to be too friendly, as he does not run away when he see anyone from my family.

What should I do ?
I have a rooster that I hatched in the incubator. He was in the first group of chicks that I raised.
He was handled a lot, and loved on a lot. We would let him stand on us while we watched TV, etc. He has more attention then any chicken we have had since.
He is aggressive. Ive hung him upside down, held him, tried to assert dominance and it doesn't work long term.
It will work for a few days, mabe a week.

The other day he jumped on my 2.5 year old and I freaked out. I grabbed him by the neck and squeezed with intent on killing him. I was furious and uncontrollable.
My daughter saw it and started crying MORE, so I stopped. By the time the wife had her in the house I was too calm to kill him out of anger. He has just started getting aggressive again, and that's been about a month ago.

My silkie has hatched 4 chicks and im 99% sure 3 of them are roosters. One of those 3 WILL replace him, as I want to keep a rooster.

Remove the man fighter, by giving away, or killing. If you have kids, then its not worth making them scared of him.

Im not proud of what ive done, im just saying I think that his aggression is tied with him wanting to be dominate.
I can break him of wanting to be dominate for a while but he always reverts to his old mean self.
When I decide which young one will be the new rooster, he will be renamed "Chicken and dumplings".
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Ohh My Gosh That's Just a Rooster Thing I'm Having 2 Roosters And They Are Like That Lol ..
don't be like they are hurting u
They just telling u where have u been I was alone and showing u their anger ..

Don't think for culling tame them ..
I used to massage his neck and slowly say u are a good rooster ..

Massaging Rooster Neck calm him down faster and tame easily ..
That's one of the silliest and more dangerous things I've read about roosters. They are NOT showing you their "anger". They do not have human emotions. Someone following your advice would most likely be injured!
My Rooster is more inclined to be aggressive in Spring. One year we got into a bit of a fight. I realise not to fight aggression with aggression.
Since then I have caught him under a big plastic tub and carried him for a while talking softly to him, or singing.i am trying to let him understand I can dominate him, but will not hurt him. Usually I will enter the enclosure and talk to all the chooks using their names and say nice things. I will toss a few corn kernals to each bird , especially the Rooster.
When entering the enclosure when he is aroused and his comb is extra red I do not make eye contact. I will walk towards and past him with confidence. He is a bit of a scaredy cat so he moves aside.
So far he has never tried to attack me again.
I chose this course of training as we have no children at risk. If he becomes aggressive again I would think about the situation and either get rid of him or if I thought he may have interpreted by behaviour as aggressive try the method again.
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Yes....If your Brother Challenged the Rooster?...He asked for the fight..Roosters are extremely protective of his hens...No fast movements and chasing only brings out his protective behaviour...A Rooster will fight till the death and rarely back down...Don't let your brother chase or antagonize him anymore and he will calm down again...

No he did not Challenged my rooster. It attacked him first then after, it attacked, my brother chasing him.

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