Help naming.


Jun 8, 2021
Chazy, NY
Need help naming our coop/"farm".

I at times have creativity...but for some ungodly reason, creativity in this case has not been on my side.

Any ideas?
Any suggestions on breed, what all ya raising, or anything else that be helpful?
Mixed flock of rhode island reds, isa browns, white leghorns, mixed australorp, "ameraucana", silver and gold laced wyandotte and finally sapphire gems.

We're not truly a farm lol we only have chickens and 3 dogs...I feel like I'm running a farm between that all and a toddler laughing and running around on top of it...I feel like I'm on the crazy train! 😜
Mixed flock of rhode island reds, isa browns, white leghorns, mixed australorp, "ameraucana", silver and gold laced wyandotte and finally sapphire gems.

We're not truly a farm lol we only have chickens and 3 dogs...I feel like I'm running a farm between that all and a toddler laughing and running around on top of it...I feel like I'm on the crazy train! 😜
3 Dogs Chicken Farm?
I'm liking this one so far the most actually lol. I looked to the internet for inspiration...but the signs and crap I had seen was all pretty much the same so it didn't help.😂
It's not easy naming the homestead. What ever really rolls off the tongue or makes you laugh will be good. :)

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