Help! Need advise on molting hen.


8 Years
Jul 20, 2012
Lancaster Ohio
I am in Ohio, we have had one of the warmest Decembers in history and one of my Barred Rock hens is in a full molt. The last 2 days I have found tons of feathers in the poo board. I pulled on her breast feathers ( not a hard pull) they came out real easy.
Now our temperatures are starting to drop to more seasonal. Should I bring her in were it is warmer or will that mess up her molt process? But if I leave her out will she freeze to death from lack of feathers? Help me please if you have the answer.
I am in Ohio, we have had one of the warmest Decembers in history and one of my Barred Rock hens is in a full molt. The last 2 days I have found tons of feathers in the poo board. I pulled on her breast feathers ( not a hard pull) they came out real easy.
Now our temperatures are starting to drop to more seasonal. Should I bring her in were it is warmer or will that mess up her molt process? But if I leave her out will she freeze to death from lack of feathers? Help me please if you have the answer.
If there are other, fully feathered birds for her to snuggle up with, she will be fine.
There are other birds they all roost together but my concern is the temps are dropping tonights low is 30 and tomorrow nights low is 22, will she be okay for the day time when they aren't roosting?
I have a few that are nearly naked and were fine last night, with a low of 21*. Daytime temps have been in the high 30s and low 40s. They've been staying inside the coop, nestled in their shed feathers when the wind picks up, but otherwise have been fine.
Well I don't think I want to risk her getting sick so I am going to move her into a dog cage in the house, down in the basement. I thought about it and I would rather be safe than sorry. Don't want any sick girls.
I have a few that are nearly naked and were fine last night, with a low of 21*. Daytime temps have been in the high 30s and low 40s. They've been staying inside the coop, nestled in their shed feathers when the wind picks up, but otherwise have been fine.


I have had numerous birds over the years go into a full fledge, full body naked molt in the coldest November and December. While we are not horrible single digits, we often are low 30's and 40's with constant drizzling rain. I have never had a molting bird get sick. I can't imagine how they stay warm, but they do. I would be concerned that your bird will have to be reintegrated back into the flock which can be difficult during molt, when they look odd already. I'd personally hesitate removing her.

I have used Nutrena Feather Fixer, and honestly, it does seem to help them get through a hard molt much faster. You might try that for a month to help her through this.

Also supply lots of cracked corn, that helps produce body heat. And, Black Oil Sunflower Seeds which are very high in protein and fat for good energy.


I have had numerous birds over the years go into a full fledge, full body naked molt in the coldest November and December. While we are not horrible single digits, we often are low 30's and 40's with constant drizzling rain. I have never had a molting bird get sick. I can't imagine how they stay warm, but they do. I would be concerned that your bird will have to be reintegrated back into the flock which can be difficult during molt, when they look odd already. I'd personally hesitate removing her.

I have used Nutrena Feather Fixer, and honestly, it does seem to help them get through a hard molt much faster. You might try that for a month to help her through this.

Also supply lots of cracked corn, that helps produce body heat. And, Black Oil Sunflower Seeds which are very high in protein and fat for good energy.

My girls get whole corn and black oil sunflower seeds most everyday along with oatmeal and layer crumbles. I was told whole corn is better than cracked. According to Becky's homestead anyway. And as far as putting her back with the flock I would do it the same way I took her away from the roost at night.

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