Help needed- Lethargic hen ;o(


5 Years
Apr 16, 2015
San Jose, CA.
Hi BYC Group,
I have a 2 yrs old golden wyandotte that today is lethargic and had a yellow white liquid coming from her vent. I gave her a bath and did not notice any shell pieces or egg around her vent. It was not prolapsed either. I also noticed that her toe nails look longer than everyone elses and their are kind of splayed a tad. Her comb is light pink. Been like this for 1 day. 2 other birds are normal. Bedding has been dirt with bark. I know this post sounds super vague but any ideas? I put yogurt and water next to her in the coop. Not sure what to do as she is not eating or drinking.
Appreciate any ideas...
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Hens frequently have reproductive disorders such as internal laying and egg yolk peritonitis, as well as broken eggs inside. I would probably separate her just overnight in a dog crate on some puppy pads or an old towel to see what her droppings look like over that time. Poop pictures here can be helpful. If the yellow droppings continue and look either like cooked egg or bright yellow, then I would be concerned about possible internal laying. E.coli infection which can lead to egg peritonitis can cause the bright yellow. A vet might be helpful to help diagnose these, but none of them have very good outcomes, even with antibiotics. Some get sick, lose weight and die, while others may linger and become sedentary, losing weight, and looking poorly. Treatment consists of helping them get to food and water, offering things like chopped egg or tuna, and giving them some vitamins and probiotics a couple of days a week. When one seems to be suffering, they should be put down. Sometimes hens with these symptoms can live months or a couple of years. Internal laying is the most common cause of death in hens. Her nails may be because she is not scratching around in the soil normally. You may need to trim very slightly at intervals. Vitamins might help.

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