help needed with bobwhite quail


In the Brooder
6 Years
Sep 3, 2013
newport souht wales uk
please can you tell me what the smallist cage i can keep and breed a pair of bobwhites i understand its best to keep them in pairs why do people keep bobs too eat or sell there eggs here in the uk there is a good eggs for sale any advive on breeding them would help me thank you all paul
Bobwhite quail need at least 4 square feet per bird. So a pair needs to be kept in a cage at least 2 ft x 4 ft in size. They are very active birds and will stress very easily and hurt each other if they don't have enough space. They also need some hidey places or branches propped up in the corners of the cage to keep them calm. Bobwhites flush very easily and will boink their heads on the ceiling and can do brain damage this way.
Bobwhite quail need at least 4 square feet per bird. So a pair needs to be kept in a cage at least 2 ft x 4 ft in size. They are very active birds and will stress very easily and hurt each other if they don't have enough space. They also need some hidey places or branches propped up in the corners of the cage to keep them calm. Bobwhites flush very easily and will boink their heads on the ceiling and can do brain damage this way.
Sorry to say exactly what you did, I was writing when you happened to post:) haha
Quote: Happens to me constantly. LOL BUT....two posts that read the same get the point across!
And whats the best height for a bobwhite cage? Do they like to sleep on branches or do they sleep on the ground?
If you are keeping them in a cage, keep the ceiling height around 12 inches so they can't fly up and hit their heads. Quail don't roost in branches for the night, however they will climb around on branches during the day. The do enjoy real foliage or even fake foliage in their cages for a secure natural feeling. But they will sleep at night on the floor of a pen.
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