This is the best picture I could get of our beautiful new cockerel--he won't hold still!
He's a LF splash Ameraucana cockerel, and he's really, really lovely. But MAN, is he ever wild! We've got him in a hutch for quarantine purposes, and he totally freaks whenever we come near it. This morning, one of my dogs ran by, and I thought the poor bird was going to kill himself flailing against the hutch in a panic.
What can I do to help him calm down and acclimate to people and activity? There are herbal calmatives for dogs and horses--is there anything like that for poultry?
I really love this cockerel, and think he will make an excellent roo for us. I just want to make his transition easier.
He's a LF splash Ameraucana cockerel, and he's really, really lovely. But MAN, is he ever wild! We've got him in a hutch for quarantine purposes, and he totally freaks whenever we come near it. This morning, one of my dogs ran by, and I thought the poor bird was going to kill himself flailing against the hutch in a panic.
What can I do to help him calm down and acclimate to people and activity? There are herbal calmatives for dogs and horses--is there anything like that for poultry?
I really love this cockerel, and think he will make an excellent roo for us. I just want to make his transition easier.