
Sees What You Did There
11 Years
May 24, 2008
Central Arkansas
This is the best picture I could get of our beautiful new cockerel--he won't hold still!


He's a LF splash Ameraucana cockerel, and he's really, really lovely. But MAN, is he ever wild! We've got him in a hutch for quarantine purposes, and he totally freaks whenever we come near it. This morning, one of my dogs ran by, and I thought the poor bird was going to kill himself flailing against the hutch in a panic.

What can I do to help him calm down and acclimate to people and activity? There are herbal calmatives for dogs and horses--is there anything like that for poultry?

I really love this cockerel, and think he will make an excellent roo for us. I just want to make his transition easier.
Well, I can't put him near our birds what could I do during the quarantine period? Holding him is probably not an option at this point, since he panics when we get close.

So far, I'm just approaching the hutch and stopping when he begins to get agitated, and talking to him. I'll try and get a little closer each time.
I know that sitting near the coop and talking to them has helped get our chickens used to us. I make it a point to go out at least once a day during the week and pretty much all day on the weekends. A little obsessed here.
talk to him in a soothing, calm voice. try to catch him and hold him firmly but gently. give him scraps of bread, grass, corn, etc...any treats that he likes. Does he have a favorite treat? Try hand feeding him while you hold him, and day by day, he will get used to your visits and treats and will slowly be looking foward to you!
Give him time, and yes, i think he's a GORGEOUS boy, too!
Oh, Man!! He is gorgeous!!!! I have 3 splash Ameraucana's that are 5 weeks old and I can't tell for sure yet what they are. I am really hoping for 1 roo & 2 pullets!! Congratulations on your beautiful new boy!!
Thanks! He came from Cree Farms, and I'm really happy to have him. He has a GORGEOUS head, so hopefully he'll let me photograph it soon!

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