My 25 week old RIR has a very swollen chest. I also think she is the one who has not been laying for the last 5-6 days.(Had been laying consistently for a month or so) It is the right side of her chest that is quite swollen. I picked her up the day before last and felt the swollen area....felt kind of firm like the shape of an egg..... I felt the chest of another chicken and felt the same type of thing....but not so firm and not swollen. It actually looks a little better today....not so swollen. The hen seems to be acting normal......not lethargic or anything. What should I do ?? Seperate her/ No food for her?? If it is an impacted crop can it correct itself?? I have no idea!!!!!! Please help~~~~!! I feed a mix of layer cruble and scratch and a little oyster shell mixed in. Does the type of feed cause the impaction? They also free range and eat grass and whatever they can find....
Edited for my bad spelling when typing too fast!
Edited for my bad spelling when typing too fast!
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