Help or not?


12 Years
Feb 10, 2009
Rural Valley, PA
She tried to perch on the waterer & caught her leg & hung there by it. Is there anything I can do?
I would give the chick a few days in a dog crate with food and water close-by, to see if she improves. Does it seem dislocated, paralyzed, or broken? A chicken sling chair can be a good thing to use if she tolerates it, to get her upright, rest the leg, and in front of food and water. A vet might be best. Here is some info on chicken slings:
I had a young pullet once get stuck on a hanging feeder, but she was rescued fairly quickly and did well. Hanging injuries can be serious, because the limb can have decreased circulation for a time, or the chick may struggle and injure itself.
View attachment 2732148 She tried to perch on the waterer & caught her leg & hung there by it. Is there anything I can do?
Thanks for the replies. I did separate Blue from the flock and this is her now. At first her leg just dangled. Then it seemed to get better but her toes were curled into a ball. Now toes are flat and she is flying like she was before. I'm giving her a full week of rest time before putting her in with the rest of the crazies so she doesn't reinjure it.

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