Help! Oreo has gone broody!


In the Brooder
12 Years
Jun 19, 2007
I have 6 hens and 1 little roo. Oreo, my birchen bantam cochin has decided she wants to hatch everyone's eggs. I get about 5 a day. Every day I take them away as I cannot have anymore chicks. I have 2 in my house as it is and my husband has announced he's not building another coop. So giving her eggs to hatch is not going to happen. She's been broody now for about 2 weeks. When is she going to return to her cute, sweet, non-growling, none egg obsessed self????
It can be a few weeks.. it can be months... I would try to break her but it can be very hard to do. Put her in a wire bottom cage, lock her out of the nest, make her very uncomfortable and it may take a week to get her to stop stetting.

Would it be okay to take her out of the coop from the others to put her in a separate cage? I worry though about the rest of the girls picking on her when I put her back.

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