Help!! overdue hatch


In the Brooder
6 Years
Jul 13, 2013
I have a broody lying on eggs for 28 days now. And I still have no chicks. Only one hatched a few days ago and it was dead when I went in the coop. My have started off with about 5 eggs 28 days ago but none of them have hatched. She started taking more eggs 5 days after going broody up to 2 a day as I only have 2 more hens. So Now I have know idea when the rest of the eggs are due. She had up to 15 now she only has 10 under her. I think some of them eggs are around due or close. But I have no idea when. I dont know what to do if none of these eggs hatch. Should I put her thorough another month? My hen is 10months old. Any advice or ideas would be appreciated. Thank you:)
Staggered hatches are generally not very successful. As other hens add eggs to the clutch there is frequently fighting/jostling that can damage the eggs. The next time that one of your hens goes broody, try isolating her from the rest of the flock.
I agree with sourland. If some of your eggs are viable, it would be a good idea to isolate her with these eggs to see if you can get some chicks to hatch. If not, you may want to either try again with new, fertile eggs or break her brood.
There is a great thread going on here: broody hen hatch - a - long. You can get great info from very helpful, experienced people there. I wish I could send you the link, but I tried and wasn't successful. Look for it in the search bar.

Best of luck!
I have an isolation pen that I just built so do you think I should move her to that and put golf balls or fake eggs under her until I collect enough eggs or should I just break the brood?
Brooding takes a lot out of a hen. If after candling you discover that none of the eggs are viable, I would break her broodiness. Having her try to set another 21 days might kill her.

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