HELP!!! pips but no zips


In the Brooder
11 Years
Jun 10, 2008
we here pecking and peeps and about 12 hours ago we had 3 pips... should we be worried
No, you have to give them time. they get tired after their pip and need to rest. I will tell you though on my first hatch 2 did pip and I let them be and they died. I don't know you really need to go off of instinct. It's a fine line though. Just remember are the few that you think need help worth risking the whole hatch? And do they really need help...?
I waited a full 24 hours after the pip before I helped on mine. I'm glad I waited but I think it did need my help.
If the peeping is getting less and less when you peep to it or scratch on the side of the 'bator then it might be time.
I think that 24 hours is an acceptable time to wait. Just research how to "help" so you know what to do and how to be prepared.

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