Help please! “Rescued chickens”

Just being out of the cage will do wonders for that poor boy! Was there poo stuck to his leg feathers before you bathed him? Could be scalding from waste on his legs.. or any number of other things. That's one lucky rooster to get out of there and into your care!
I don’t think so. When I seen him the first night, I could tell he has been through the ringer. He looked so dirty & they all STUNK. He’s a sweet heart & his little crow is so cute. He’s a very good leader for the flock he came in with. Even though I was given 4 roosters (1 sizzle Cochin, 1 silkie/Cochin, 1 very small rooster that I can’t tell what breed he is, & this poor guy) & 2 hens (1 sizzle Cochin, 1 silkie/Cochin mix), he doesn’t pick on any of the roosters. He calls everyone over when there’s treats, If there’s another bantam or more waiting to get the treat from my hand he lets them eat first, then he will take the treat from me.
Call animal control, they will set things right. Just make sure when you buypermethrin, if it is a concentrate, read the directions on it so you can dilute it, otherwise, it will give them chemical burn. I learned that the hard way. And absolutely do not bath them until they are healthy again, or else they can no regulate there body temps, and it will give them hypothermia, and you will have to dry them off with a hair dryer, and put them in a warm room until they are warm again. I learned that the hard way too. Good job saving them!
Okay, thank you ! I will be calling them! I know there’s more chickens locked up from the pictures he’s sent my husband. Oh gosh, especially with this chilly weather we’re having in NC I don’t want to give them hypothermia! I’m glad you told me that, I was planning on giving him another bath but inside this time so I won’t be doing that then. Thank you! I could never let an animal... no matter The species.... suffer. I had planned on rehoming some of them since I didn’t ask for all of these roosters.... but I think I will keep them... just to make sure they have the best chicken life possible.
Just to give y’all a clue.... here are some pics that were sent to my husband. The top picture, are 3 out of 6 he gave us. The black mix in the middle is the one with scissor beak.
You are truly a kind soul to take these birds in and give them a good life. I hope that poor rooster heals up quickly. You're doing a great job with him. x2 everyone who supports calling the ASPCA or animal control in your area to report the person who previously owned him. The photos of the chickens' living situation are really appalling and depressing. No create on this earth should be forced to live like that.
Everything that I would have said has been said, but I wanted to commend you on your sensitivity and commitment to his care. It is devastating to see animals so mistreated and I'm glad you are the one he went to. I'm sure there are people out there that would have shrugged and culled him. I hope you will update us on how he is doing as the days go by. Good luck!

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