HELP PLEASE! Can she live with this?

Agreed. I guess you just have to know it is worth it
Only my very special peafowl, cats, dog and horses get to go to the vet, I'd be broke if I took every sick chick or chicken in, lol.

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I can't tell enough from the photo what position her leg is twisting to. Is it possible to post a close-up of the back of both hocks ("knees"), as well as photos of the chick standing up from both sides?
She may have a serious enough problem it can't be treated. I can give more specific advice if you're able to post the 3 views I'm hoping you can photograph.
heres what i've attempted
Are you sure it is not a fracture? Can you feel swelling or bone displacement? I would splint leg(brace on either side of leg,so it is immobilized)this should help with the twisting,which will only get worse if left. Explain where the bleeding came from as mentioned in previous posts?
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