Help please - Duckling eggs, 23 days


7 Years
Oct 9, 2012
Surrey, UK
Hi all , I have duck eggs that are on day 23 and only due for lockdown on Tuesday (02/06). When I went to turn the eggs this morning, 1 of them was cheaping at me so I put the egg back in the same position and put the incubator into lockdown as some of the eggs are rocking every now and then. Since putting into lockdown, I have only heard the duckling cheaping once and must be sleeping now. My temp is sitting at 99, should I lower it even though it may only be 1 egg that looks like it is going to be an early hatcher? Will the others be ok on a lower temp or should I just leave the temp. I did raise the humidity and it is sitting around 68%. I have successfully hatched many chicks but this is the first time with ducklings so a bit nervous. Thank you in advance :D
I have 7 out of 10. The other 3 are not showing any signs as yet. Hatch day was supposed to be 4th / 5th June so they are early. I will candle the last 3 eggs and see if I can see any movement. The eggs are really stained from the inside though - is that normal for ducks eggs?:D

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