Help please! Gender and breed? RIR and americauna


In the Brooder
5 Years
Aug 6, 2014
Can you please help me with these 4 chicks. They are 8 weeks. Nobody is crowing.



I'm not sure about 1# and 2#

but, #3 and #4 are Production Reds. At this time I believe both are pullets, although in a better close up photo of #3 I might feel differently.

Want to tell for sure on your PR's- just so you always can tell? Check the saddle feathers (right in front of the tail.). Cockerels will have thin (no larger than 1/2" wide), pointy, extremely glossy feathers starting there. Also in hackle, and wing bows. Hen feathers in this hybrid are always fatter and rounded on edges. Rooster tail feathers are longer, curl more and have a pointed tip, usually beetle green although some can have red stippling.

L to R:
Rooster tail feather, hen tail feather, hen saddle (or "cushion"), rooster saddle feather. The male's hackle will also somewhat resemble in shape the saddle feathers.

Hope you enjoy your chickens! They are all pretty!
Interesting. Thanks for the feedback.
#1 was/is my biggest worry. Easter Eggers? I wondered if the store told us the wrong breed. Thanks!
Interesting. Thanks for the feedback.
#1 was/is my biggest worry. Easter Eggers? I wondered if the store told us the wrong breed. Thanks!

Most hatcheries call their easter eggers ameraucanas or americaunas or araucanas, even though they are not. So it is the hatchery they got them from that made the mistake.
Interesting. Thanks for the feedback.

#1 was/is my biggest worry. Easter Eggers? I wondered if the store told us the wrong breed. Thanks!

Most hatcheries call their easter eggers ameraucanas or americaunas or araucanas, even though they are not. So it is the hatchery they got them from that made the mistake.

This is somewhat misleading as there are a few hatcherys that do sell true Amaracanas, Myers hatchery being one, but if you bought the from a feed store they are most likely EE.
1- possible cockerel, red patches on wings makes me think that but right now the comb isn't red, so I'll go with pullet for now and EE

2- looks to be an EE pullet

3- looks to be a production red possible cockerel, but again to early to tell for sure

4- looks to be a production red pullet
Yes they are from a feed store. I'm happy either way. Just hoping #1 ends up being a girl.

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