Help! Please I’m Beging


Crossing the Road
Sep 18, 2020
New Jersey
Ok so, here I go. I have 14 ducks and I can only have 8 for the winter because my duck coop broke. I can’t take the other ducks to somewhere to get sold because they have seen me take a duck from the flock because it was sick. So now they are scared of me. I have 4 males and 4 females Ik it’s an un even radio and I’m sorting that out. What can I do with the other 6 ducks down at the pond. I don’t want them to freeze or have a fox eat them when the pond freezes over ;( the pump isn’t enough to keep the pond from freezing...
Ok so, here I go. I have 14 ducks and I can only have 8 for the winter because my duck coop broke. I can’t take the other ducks to somewhere to get sold because they have seen me take a duck from the flock because it was sick. So now they are scared of me. I have 4 males and 4 females Ik it’s an un even radio and I’m sorting that out. What can I do with the other 6 ducks down at the pond. I don’t want them to freeze or have a fox eat them when the pond freezes over ;( the pump isn’t enough to keep the pond from freezing...
Ummm sell them?
Maybe find someone else who doesn’t know you/about the sick duck? Maybe post on Facebook or something? You could also build another coop or fix your old one. Another thing you can do is go to your state thread/buy, sell, trade forum here on BYC and post them. Also as said above you could have someone take them temporarily, which might be a more feasible option as it would probably be easier to find someone to commit for a short time rather than actually keep them.

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