help please! I must regulate egg temp by touch until tomorrow- how warm to touch?

Hi guys. We have one chick hatched and one unfortunately pipped then died overnight. None of the other eggs pipped yet. The successful chick needed some help because its head was trapped between its foot and its body, I could see its foot coming out of the peck hole. I waited two days and it was clear that the chick couldn't zip because its beak was pinned in place by its foot, so this morning I removed the air cell area of the shell and put it back in the incubator. It got itself out a few hours later. Everything seems well enough with it, one foot is a little weak, but is improving. There are some hardened areas on it's feathers where they are not fluffing up; I guess the humidity was too high. Most of it did fluff though.

My kids are sitting on the couch snuggling with it and letting it exercise by climbing up their shirts to their shoulders. I hope it gets at least one friend from the other eggs!

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