Help please my quail are getting injured.


May 27, 2023
I know this is a lot to read but I want to make sure I give all information.

Basically, males are way too aggressive and today i woke up with females with busted heads and no male.

So I was originally giving 10 hatchling. 5 of them, 2 weeks older than the other 5. They were kept next to each other but with a fence separated the little ones. When they started reach sexual maturity I had one male from the older group doing what males do until he busted the females heads open. So he was put by himself. Then they were all moved out to a chicken coop outside. About 7x7 with a indoor part, a run and a nest box. (I know they don't use nest box, it was turned into a sand box)
It started happening again, females with their heads busted open. I went through found another male. He was again separated. I woke up today to it worst than anything. I looked again and can not find a male. I checked for foam as they are all different colors I can tell by that.
Other info, they eat, game bird crumbles with seed mix, meal worms, and veggie scraps(if I have them). I got them all frome the same lady who says she doesn't have it happen to her. But try separating them by color?

I'm honestly lost as to what to do. At this point. I have pictures of everyone, if need be.
You could have a bully female. Is there one that has no/very minor damage? I had a female that had to be house by herself for a good year or so because she would just kill other hens. She finally settled down when she was about 3 and tolerated a quad if younger birds

Or they could be panicking and flushing
You could have a bully female. Is there one that has no/very minor damage? I had a female that had to be house by herself for a good year or so because she would just kill other hens. She finally settled down when she was about 3 and tolerated a quad if younger birds

Or they could be panicking and flushing
They don't seem panicked, I actually got eggs this morning.

I haven't seen any female mean to the others. But there's one that has blood on her chest and I don't think has any feathers removed
They don't seem panicked, I actually got eggs this morning.

I haven't seen any female mean to the others. But there's one that has blood on her chest and I don't think has any feathers removed
She might be the bully. Mine didn't usually attack when I was around because there was now activity and food. They laid eggs through almost every panic causing thing. Even when we had a racoon that got two in the cage, we still ended up with a couple eggs out of the main group.

Try pulling her, maybe in isolation where she can.still see everyone. Give the others more protien if possible and a chance to heal. If they still have issues, then you know it's likely not her
She might be the bully. Mine didn't usually attack when I was around because there was now activity and food. They laid eggs through almost every panic causing thing. Even when we had a racoon that got two in the cage, we still ended up with a couple eggs out of the main group.

Try pulling her, maybe in isolation where she can.still see everyone. Give the others more protien if possible and a chance to heal. If they still have issues, then you know it's likely not her
I will pull her.

Do you know what could be cause it? Food or genetics? Or something else? Out of 10 I had to pull 3 now. And they were just born around the first week of April.

I don't think anything got in or even close cause they are in a hutch in my backyard. Which has a 6 ft privacy fence. Then they are in my garden which has a 5 ft fence. Inside a hutch
We have dogs that chase even a Robin sits in the yard.
My issues I believe were mainly genetics for the female and just boys being boys for the male's. They typically need a lot of hens to not have many issues breeding wise. And my set up I have now of a trio only works because my male wasn't very active before he got old. But even now, I occasionally have to pull his favorite of the two because she needs a break
My issues I believe were mainly genetics for the female and just boys being boys for the male's. They typically need a lot of hens to not have many issues breeding wise. And my set up I have now of a trio only works because my male wasn't very active before he got old. But even now, I occasionally have to pull his favorite of the two because she needs a break
Before this my goal was 1 male to 6 or 8 females. But this goes beyond pecking order or over active male. This is straight blood every where, on one I see her skull. I'm sure she's going to die/be culled. The others not nearly as bad. They all have feathers missing(about to go out and check again and separate anyone who isn't. But one girl got the worst.
Before this my goal was 1 male to 6 or 8 females. But this goes beyond pecking order or over active male. This is straight blood every where, on one I see her skull. I'm sure she's going to die/be culled. The others not nearly as bad. They all have feathers missing(about to go out and check again and separate anyone who isn't. But one girl got the worst.
isolate the skull female. Keep it clean. You'd be surprised what they can do. I had an old male with a similar incident from a rival male, and then from the aggressive female later on. It wpnt grow back perfect, but my male was able to go back into a female pen with no issues apart from my aggressive female that was moved later on.
isolate the skull female. Keep it clean. You'd be surprised what they can do. I had an old male with a similar incident from a rival male, and then from the aggressive female later on. It wpnt grow back perfect, but my male was able to go back into a female pen with no issues apart from my aggressive female that was moved later on.
I have bird antibiotic spray that I'm treating her with, and I'll be giving her a chance.
Then they were all moved out to a chicken coop outside. About 7x7 with a indoor part, a run and a nest box. (I know they don't use nest box, it was turned into a sand box)
It started happening again, females with their heads busted open. I went through found another male. He was again separated. I woke up today to it worst than anything.

How tall are the coop & run?

You might check for feathers or blood on the top inside. I have read that if quail get scared and try to fly up, they can hit their head on the top of the coop and hurt themself. Feathers or blood might be proof if this did happen. No feathers or blood leaves you right where you were before, not knowing what caused this.

(I have no personal experience with quail, so the most I can suggest is "look and see." It might be a real thing to consider, or it might be an urban legend, and I don't know enough to tell.)

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