help please, what to use for new pullet illness


Free Ranging
17 Years
Jan 26, 2007
central Ohio
Just got three pullets and a duck from the poultry show. One of the pullets is sick now with a respiratory thing. My first inclination is to use Tylan in the water of all, since they are together, but I can't remember the dosage, and the bottle is not much help. Does anyone know?

I also have Ericin, Sulfatrim, Ls50, vETrx, Cipro, Duramycin. Not sure what would be best? If no one knows can you at least give me the dose for the Tylan so I can get them started on something???? My daugher will be very sad if we lose the duck, we all will.
Tylan would be best out of that group of meds, although cipro is potent...I've never used it treating chickens. I need to know the approximate age of the pullets. Also I need to know if it's tylan 50 injectable or the soluable powder.
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It's the soluble powder. It's not that fresh either, so idk if maybe I should see if TSC has any fresher?
We've used Cipro lots in treating the chickens, which is why I'm reluctant to use it again. Also it's in tablet
form which makes it harder.
The pullets are around four months + old, some are just starting to lay. Idk about the duck, but I'm guessing he's about the same age.
I can't see the point of separating the sick one at this point? I just feel it will be more stress for her, and they've all been exposed, anyway.
It's cold here and they are in an enclosed wooden pen elevated pen with two screen doors on the front, do you think I should let them have a heat light during the day or would that be too hot? high 40's during the day, 30's at night. They have straw and pine shaving bedding. HAVE HAD THEM JUST FOUR DAYS! gAAHH!
I'm not sure about using "old" soluable powder and questioning its effectiveness. Additionally, sick birds wont drink...a drawback regarding meds mixed in water (including wormers btw.)
When you go to TSC, try and get the tylan 50 injectable, dont forget a syringe with a needle. You'll need it to penetrate through the bottle and withdraw the liquid and administer it orally to the sick pullets. You can administer it orally or by injection into the breast muscle.
Given orally, dosage is 1/2cc once a day for 5 days. Pull the wattles down and the mouth will open. Squirt the liquid in and quickly release the wattles so's the bird can swallow the liquid on her own and not aspirate.
Injection dosage is 1/2cc into the breast muscle, just under the skin no more than 1/4" ...once a day for 3 days. Alternate breasts, dont inject into the same spot.
I have not had that problem with sick birds not drinking. She is the only one exhibiting symptoms right now.
I don't think she is eating much but the others are eating and drinking fine. I don't think TSC carries the injectable,
in fact I'm positive they don't. I would have to order it. Do you think I should try another med in the meantime, for
during the day today?
I'd still go with the tylan. Tylan soluable is 1 teaspoon per gallon of water or 1/2 teaspoon per 1/2 gallon of water. Make a fresh solution daily and only source of water for 7 days. There's a one day withdrawal period with the tylan soluable.
OK, I' will start with that and thank you! I actually did call TSC and they DO have the fact, that's all they carry now.
So I will try to swing by there maybe and get some. Thing is, I will have someone else taking care of the flock for a couple of days
shortly, and they won't be able to inject the birds I don't think...
In case you ever need to know, I called our avian vet (who is treating our rooster). Normally they won't answer ANY questions over the phone
without seeing the bird, but they did tell me that Tylan most likely will not go toxic past the expiration date, it's ok to use for ducks, and it will probably have some effectiveness.
I found that the feed mill here in town carries the water soluble, so I'll go get it, and if I need to I can switch to the injectable later, or whatever. Thanks
so much for your help!!!

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