HELP PLEASE!!! Wild duckling!!


7 Years
Mar 21, 2012
Boise, ID
Okay guys, so while I do really enjoy keeping my own flock of ducks and chickens, I want to make sure I'm doing everything I can for this little youngster who was brought into my store today!!! He/she is a lone wild duckling not more than a couple of days old (judging by the presence of the egg tooth). I brought the poor little thing home and have it in a box with wood pellet bedding in my bathroom with a heat lamp away from the cat....I put sav-a-chick in a waterer and dipped its beak in....then I put chick starter in a little feeder and showed it that too.....right now the little guy seems intent on 2 things: preening, and attempting to hop out of the box! I hope it eats and drinks soon, although I know it is probably still running on residual nourishment from the egg...I am going to try to turn it over to "Wild Birds in Distress" on Monday, but is there anything I've left out in the meantime??? It kills me that the poor little thing is alone...
I've heard others suggest putting an unbreakable mirror in with lone ducklings to give the illusion of not being alone, and maybe something soft to snuggle against in lieu of a sibling. Poor little thing -- I'm glad you are taking care of him.her until you can get help from a wildlife organization.
my experience with baby wild birds is that the best way to get them to eat is to let them see other birds eat. so, if you have any ducks that you could put near it, their own feeding behavior might entice it to eat.

not sure how sound that is in terms of diseases though... i would want to keep them separated at least.
Right now he is sleeping, probably exhausted....Amiga, after looking at that outline briefly I think I have a Wood Duckling...they are quite common around here and he/she is quite small. I am going to do a bit of research on feeding because I am concerned about it eating soon...I have tried to show interest in the food with my finger as well as hand feeding it some yogurt, but hopefully it will be more interested in food tomorrow.
Did you give it chick starter? Sometimes that is medicated. Not sure if yours is but I know you shouldn’t give it to domestic ducks if it medicated. I had a Gadwall that someone gave me and raised it to an adult. I used duck and goose maintenance. Someone told me to use higher protein... and it got angel wing, which I had to correct by wrapping its wing. I went back to regular duck and goose food and veggies. It was very tame. You might see if their is a bird rescue center in your area that can give you some advice. Good luck!
My chick starter is not medicated. I would like to call our bird center, but it isn't open until Monday...
I'm worried that he hasn't shown much interest in food or water yet....when I got my babies home from the store they could hardly wait to eat and drink....the wild ones must be a bit different. I feel so bad that he/she is alone and I think it's sort of depressing for it....I put a mirror in there this morning to help give the illusion of another, but we will see....I hope it makes it...
My chick starter is not medicated. I would like to call our bird center, but it isn't open until Monday...
I'm worried that he hasn't shown much interest in food or water yet....when I got my babies home from the store they could hardly wait to eat and drink....the wild ones must be a bit different. I feel so bad that he/she is alone and I think it's sort of depressing for it....I put a mirror in there this morning to help give the illusion of another, but we will see....I hope it makes it...
Feed medicated with *amprolium* is okay* for ducklings and goslings, but you have non-medicated, so that's a non-issue.
Keep it warm and keep dipping it's beak in warm water with bits of crumble and maybe it will start eating. No yogurt!


Medicated feed and ducklings:
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Kathy - can you point me toward a paper or some reference that resolves the "thiamine uptake inhibitor" part of amprolium with the "okay for ducklings" part? This is not a snarky question, I genuinely have been mulling over this for some time now, and would love to know more.

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