Help please with writing

Looked up your Snipe Hunt link. Never heard of that before, must use it somehow!

I'm so sorry you were disappointed. The story is true, that's what happened, and poor old Cocky and Twins were killed because we were dumb.

I don't blame the genet at all, it looks like a beautiful animal. It was our fault, we should have questioned Cauliflower further.

Not dissappointed at all! I really enjoyed the whole story. Your writing is so clever and entertaining.

As I was reading, I thought they were telling you a fib about the "genet" and that they had made up an animal so you wouldn't be upset at them for eating the birds. Figured they smoked a little too much of those herbs they sell and got hungry at 2 am... the chickens started to look pretty tasty...
That's EXACTLY what we thought! Until we looked 'genet' up on wiki and discovered it does exist. We don't get genets in England.

Perhaps the hippies were lying and they did eat them... but I guess we'll never know. A sad end for Cocky and the Twins though.

I got a copy of your book on Oct 14th 2009. I am already half way thru. I love the stories. I hope you write another book.
Hi Justbugged,

You've got a copy already??? You are the first as far as I know. I haven't received my author copies yet, and I've never even seen a copy. Does it look OK? Are the photos clear? Is the font a good size?

I'm so happy you are enjoying it!

Victoria aka Excited from Spain
The book looks great. The font is very readable. The pictures are a little small but are clear and easy enough to see. I am about half way through the book. I should be done reading it later today. It must have helped that I live just south of Seattle where Amazon is headquartered. Christina PS I could send you my copy as soon as I am done reading it, if you want?
(you might get it quicker) I keep tell others about the book. Your tale is my favorite type of story. Thank you again.
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Hi Christina,

I'm pleased the font and photos look okay. Thanks for offering to send me your copy, that was really sweet of you, but mine should arrive any day. I've heard of a few American people getting their copies now, but no UK or Spanish ones yet.

I'm really pleased you are enjoying it, it makes me feel really proud!

If you would like a matching bookmark, PM me with your address and I'll send some to you as soon as I get them. They are handmade with feathers, but don't worry, no chickens were harmed in the making.

If any other BYC people would like free bookmarks, just let me know.

Hi Victoria -

I got your book and have been reading bits and pieces to my husband. We are thoroughly enjoying it!

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