Help please!


In the Brooder
May 2, 2017
Erath, Louisiana
Hi! We got 6 chicks 2 months ago. I am wondering if you can tell if they are hens or roos? Also, we got 2 dominique chicks, but one is only black with some greenish/purpleish tint to it. She also has black feet, Does that one look like a dominque? Notice the other dominique has all her barring already. Thanks for your help!
They all look like girls at the moment - no one has big, dangling wattles or big combs. I'm not familiar with Dominiques so I can't help you there (we don't have that breed in my country) but hopefully someone will be along to answer that question.
Do you have a better picture of the combs. The black chick could be Dominique but it's odd that she isn't showing any pattern. The other Dominique looks more like a barred rock to me but I can't see the comb. Dominiques will have a rose comb.

Ps they all look like pullets to me as well.
Do you have a better picture of the combs. The black chick could be Dominique but it's odd that she isn't showing any pattern. The other Dominique looks more like a barred rock to me but I can't see the comb. Dominiques will have a rose comb.

Ps they all look like pullets to me as well.

All of their combs look just like the bottom one sitting on my arm. They are all the same color as well, except the all black one ..hers is more red than the others. The people we bought the Dominiques from also had a pair of bantams they were selling. I sort of wondered if they didn't mix up an egg. :hmm LOL. Thank you for your input also!!

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