Help please

The most important place to start is the eyes. The chick needs to be able to open it's eyes of it cannot drink and eat.
I am so thankful for this website and the immediate help I received... don’t know how much it means to me!!! I cleaned her eyes and put antibiotic cream on her... got some water in her... my next question is, will I ever be able to put Always back with the others or will I need a separate pin for her (after she recovers)?
Should I force feed “Always” if I don’t see her eat today?
“Always” has been drinking and eating on her own today. I really thought I was going to lose her. She can open one eye and has even walked around the house. Not sure when we should try to put her back with the others but I have enjoyed talking with her all day... she is a bit mouthy like her daddy
we had this happen also to a hen that had been the sickly one. the more dominant males and females would go after her relentlessly and peaked all the feather off her head. we separated them for a bit and fed the hurt one lots of good food/treats. she got healthy again and after a while they quit the constant harassment. She is still the less dominate bird and will get push/chased away from first choice of the food. She now comes to me and will east out of my hand.
Don't try to put her back yet unless you have a way to keep her seperated but still near everyone, like a wire dog crate or something. You don't want them picking at her wounds again, especially before they've had time to completely heal. Keep cleaning around her eye and maybe gently try to help her open it but don't be forceful. I had a chick get completely scalped and the back of her neck all torn up. She pulled through just fine... But grew up bald lol. It's amazing what they can recover from.

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