$$$$$$$$ Help Please $$$$$$$


In the Brooder
10 Years
Nov 24, 2009
East Tenn..
I've seen it on here before,,,,but i can't fined it.....i'm thinking about starting to incubate for others,
I just don't know what to charge for it.....i seen somewhere to charge a $1.00 per egg...is that a one time charge
for the hole 21 days? Or is it per day? Then what to charge after they hatch?? I hope i posted this in the right
posting.....but anyway, thats for your help......ktown......Mitch
Well, you certainly couldn't charge $1.00 per egg per day. That would cost $21.00 per chick. and you can buy chicks for 2 or 3 dollars each at the feed store or a hatchery (+ shipping).

I suspect that you MIGHT be able to charge $1.00 per egg hatched (chick).

just my simple thinking,
Well, the way I look at it is $1 per egg, doesn't seem like enough money to pay for your electricity for 21 days. On the other hand, $1 per egg, per day seems to be way to much. I would think $1 per egg might be OK IF your bator is going to be full, but then what about the ones that aren't fertile or the ones that quit or don't hatch. Just make sure this is all address before you begin. This way there won't be any surprises. Good luck.
Hmm, what if it was one dollar per egg you set, and an extra dollar for each that hatched? Does that seem fair?

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